About Porcelarts and Porcelain Art (English below)
【ポーセリンアート体験レッスン】指定した白磁に絵の具を使用してAtelier Gypsyオリジナルの薔薇やチューリップをデザインしていただけます。
♥土日祝限定♥【フュージョンレッスン】4時間のレッスンで「ポーセラーツスキルアップコース」と「ポーセリンアート体験レッスン」が融合したAtelier Gypsyオリジナルのレッスン内容です。
【連絡先】Instagram: 「atelier_gypsy」へメッセージ又は、「atelier.gypsy@gmail.com 」へご連絡お願いいたします。
【Porcelarts Experience Lesson】You can design with a specified 4 kinds of pocerlain and tens of stickers, which you choose as you like.
【Porcelain Art Experience Lesson】You can draw a design, which you can choose original "rose" or "tulip" on a specified 4 kinds of pocerlain as you like.
【Skilled up Lesson】For person who have experienced before, or had a instructor course.
A:Gold Lacquer B:Drawing a girl for one time C:Ribbon cut D:Jigsaw Puzzle cut E:Lattice cut F:Diamond cut G:Stick all over the outside for one time H:race (with two types of drawing)
【Free Lesson】You can enjoy designing with your favorite pocerlain and tens of stickers which you choose as you like. (for more decorations: gold-maker pen, paints)
【Fusion Lesson】♡Only on weekends♡ If you want to try both of Porselars and Porcelain Art, I recommend to you this lesson. You can experience everything, which is choosed from one of each【Skilled up Lesson】and 【Porcelain Art Experience Lesson】in 4 hours.
E-mail:「atelier.gypsy@gmail.com 」
you can text to me anytime in English, Korean or Japanese.